Dung Trinh of Ivanhoe Chinese Medicine, has been in TCM practice since 2007. He is a registered Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioner of Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (APHRA) Chinese Medicine Registration Board (CMRB), Accredited member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS), Accredited Home Care Package service provider (SAAS), Certified in First Aid (HLTAID011) and Certified with Working with Children Check.
Acupuncture key points are selected on head, body and limbs to enhance internal organ functions that are deficient and reduce ones that are hyperactive. Acupuncture points can be used to stimulate circulation in physical body pathways which can promote blood, nutrition or energy to local tissue area or re-establish normal functioning, eg. points can be used to relieve pain/stiffness/tightness, lower high blood pressure, help digestion.
NOTE: we only disposable needles that are sterile and individually packaged.
Chinese Herbal Medicine one or more key herbal formula will be selected to consumed between consultations including best time to take them, eg. herbs can be used to help calm the mind for insomnia, harmonise blood for pre-menstrual pain, regulate digestion for reflux, etc...
Cupping, GuaSha/Spooning and Massage These three physical body methods are used to alleviate pain by moving circulations, removing stagnation thus reducing pain or stiffness, eg. stiff neck, tense shoulders and lower back pain. Cupping are glass suction cups placed on key acupuncture points mainly on broad muscle areas like the back area. GuaSha/Spooning used ceramic soup spoon to gently scrape (and sometimes stronger) along meridian channels. TCM massage can also be applied both gently or vigorously along channel pathways. Note that bruising can occur from cupping and GuaSha spooning for a few days which is normal, sometimes it is longer depending on the state of the physical body and as always patients will be informed beforehand.
Diet Therapy selected food groups will be explained to assist in better balancing of digestion and avoiding food or drink items that may exacerbate health issue, eg. if cough with profuse white phlegm, it is best to stay away from dairy, cold food and drinks including raw foods.
Exercise Therapy key exercises will be demonstrated to heal, balance, maintain or enhance physical body including respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system, eg. for most people with neck pain and lower back pain. This includes balancing the physical posture to restore normal physical movement, TaiChi and other martial arts exercises.
Initial consultation is $130 and ongoing consultation is $100.
Herbs and other items are extra depending on what is needed following consultation.
Typical consultation takes 30-40mins. Each consultation will include discussion of current and historical health issues, followed by one or more of above treatment modalities as needed. Each will be explained prior and provided at the patient's comfort level.
Health rebates are available except for BUPA and HCF. These rebates depends on the level of cover provided by each Health Fund.
We provide the classical way of TCM which is the complete way of TCM practice, it is a harder method of practice and is the traditional way of treatment.
For further information, questions or to make an appointment, please contact us or visit our clinic.
Dung Trinh
96 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe Victoria 3079
Phone: 0414 837 499
Email: info@ivanhoechinesemedicine.com.au
Opening Hours: M-F 9am-6pm Sat 9am-12pm
The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practiced at Ivanhoe Chinese Medicine is the classical TCM as espoused by the late Professor Lun Wong AOM with its historical heritage in Nature Dao. The classical TCM of Wu Da Liao Fa included five treatment methods of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Cupping/GuaSha/Spooning/Massage, Diet Therapy and Exercise Therapy.
Classical TCM is used to balance both physically and mentally, ie. the mind and body. Any excess is reduced and any deficiencies are boosted. Issues affecting within and without the physical body are considered in holistically treating any health issues. Internal issues may include the emotions, current state mental, physical pain or inflammation, organ function and disharmony. External issues may include seasonally weather changes, work environment, family and living conditions.
TCM, historically and inline with Nature Dao, was used by people to maintain optimal health, to live a long life and to live it with quality. Regular periodic visits to a TCM practitioner was normal to adjust any minor health issues before major serious issues develop. This is opposed to the current state where it is more common to seek health assistance only when a serious health issue arises.
The key motivation is to re-introduce the wisdom, knowledge and practices of over 2,000 years of TCM linage. These healing practices in addition to martial arts were used in the ancient past to calm the emotions, settle the mind and restore normal body function. We have an open attitude to answer questions, explain the process along the way and provide guidance at every step, everything at your pace and comfort level. If this sounds like what you are after, then lets begin this journey together...
Live according to nature
TCM is Life Medicine
Study hard to build professional skill, train hard to co-ordinate every part of the body, became good citizen of the world